Enough. These few words are enough.
If not these words, this breath.
If not this breath, this sitting here.
This opening to life
we have refused
again and again
until now.
Until now.
-David Whyte
Online Books
http://www.budsas.org/ebud/mfneng/mind0.htm The Issue At Hand/Gil Fronsdal
The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society focuses on transforming higher education by encouraging the use of contemplative practices. This website is home of the “Tree of Contemplative Practices”, with links to more information on a diversity of ways to support personal and spiritual growth.
The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. www.dharmaseed.org Since the early 1980's, Dharma Seed has collected and distributed dharma talks by teachers transmitting the Vipassana or Insight practices of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest Buddhist tradition still actively pursued in the 21st century. Talks are freely available for download or streaming as MP3s. www.tarabrach.com Tara Brach is a clinical psychologist and leading western teacher of Buddhist meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening. She has practiced and taught meditation for over 35 years, with an emphasis on vipassana (mindfulness or insight) meditation.
Beloved Buddhist teacher, author, nun and mother, Pema Chödrön has inspired millions of people from around the world who have been touched by her example and message of practicing peace in these turbulent times. www.plumvillage.org Website for the main practice community of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk, poet, scholar, and peace activist.
Mindfulness Research Guide is a comprehensive electronic resource and publication database that provides information to researchers, practitioners, and the general public on the scientific study of mindfulness. This site offers a monthly e-newsletter summarizing all new, peer reviewed, published research on the professional application of mindfulness.
UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center Hammer Meditation Podcast - Every Thursday, MARC holds a free, drop-in, 30-minute guided meditation session at UCLA's Hammer Museum. Each week has a different theme, and usually includes introductory comments, guided meditation, silent practice time, and closing comments. Each session also offers a new daily life practice for the week.
Mindful celebrates mindfulness, awareness, and compassion in all aspects of life—through Mindful magazine, Mindful.org, events, and collaborations. Great online practices.